IPP – Cultural Quirks

  • Version 1
  • Downloads 631
  • File Size 4.33 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date June 2, 2010
  • Last Updated September 27, 2022
Cultural Quirks.zipDownload 

Random characteristics you can apply to groups of people, be they members of the same race, cult, tribe, sect, city-state, whatever.


You must have a working copy of NBOS' Inspiration Pad Pro to use this table.

  1. Download "Cultural Quirks.zip"
  2. Extract to your IPP "Generators" folder (e.g., "../Inspiration Pad Pro/Generators")
  3. This will create a folder within IPP called "Welsh Piper"
  4. Open Inspiration Pad Pro
  5. Click the "Welsh Piper" folder in the Generators panel on the left to access the table