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Playtesting Update - April 2018

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A TL;DR-equipped update on the Chimera RPG® Core Rules playtest, current results, and next steps

The current playtesting effort for the Chimera RPG® Core Rules is progressing nicely: good feedback, helpful suggestions, and (importantly), I'm keeping current with updates, which means there's no backlog of revisions.

Short Version

  1. There's still time to sign up for playtesting
  2. I've updated the draft rulebook with all the feedback received
  3. Post feedback on the Chimera Development Forum

Chimera Housekeeping

Before getting into the the material details, a couple of housekeeping details. First, there are still slots available if you want to sign up for playtesting. The current playtesting phase is scheduled to run to May 13, 2018, but I'm willing to extend it given the great feedback I've received thus far.

Second is that you can see some (but not all) the playtest feedback on the Chimera Development Forum. I like using that space because it keeps the feedback public and lets people respond to it. Playtesting results are better with healthy debate, multiple points of view, and peer validation. By all means, be honest and don't hold back: If you think something sucks, tell me about it - chances are someone else agrees with you. Let's be open about the fact that some parts of the game are going to be better than others, and the point of playtesting is to expose the warts so I can make improvements. This doesn't mean I'll make every change suggested, but it does mean that I take honest feedback seriously.

Playtesting Revisions

OK - the fun stuff. Here are the revisions playtesting has brought us so far:

  • Typos - Not really fun, but definitely important. Gaping errors have been pointed out and fixed. Keep 'em coming.
  • Gender Pronouns - Inclusion is important to me, and Esmeralda's post provided good guidance on gender pronouns.
  • Physical Burden - True words from Jerry about math; I'm open to suggestions on streamlining how wounds and encumbrance affect performance
  • Athletics ability - You can now use Athletics to attack if it's based on some acrobatic move (like slashing a foe as you swing by on a rope)
  • Influence ability - Updated to encourage more role playing when used
  • Possession power - Rewrote as Custody power (I have something more powerful in mind for possession...)
  • Equipment Quality - Fixed the example text
  • Indoor / Overland Exploration - Each section now begins with the Turn Sequence steps
  • Encounters - Added Encounter Sequence steps for clarity
  • Surprise - Now rolled exclusively by antagonists, which makes it easier to run ambushes, but still allows for the PCs to surprise foes
  • Reactions - Fleshed out each reaction option
  • Encounter Actions - Revised for clarity
  • Damage - Revised for clarity
  • Combat Example - Updated to reflect revised encounter sequence
  • Crafty Adaptation - Revised to conform with updated Surprise rules
  • Tweaks to Mana, Guidance Systems, Mounted and Vehicle Combat

Next Steps

I suspect there will be more as playtesters get further into the material. Oh, yeah - before you remind me - the table numbers after 33 are screwed up...I'll fix that in the next update. In the meantime, there's the Adventure Template to finish.

Artwork is also a big deal and I have to (1) determine if the artists I've contacted are interested in the project and (2) understand how much time they'll need. One artist suggested doing work in increments, which sounds workable though that means the initial release will be stock art (of which there is plenty).

Finally, the big question: No, I do not have a final release date planned. But I can say this: With the playtesters' help, I've moved closer to a release date in the last two weeks than in (literally) the last two years. For that, I thank you.
