Elfish Clans

This week, I’m setting the Wayback Machine to the early 90s with a little nugget from a D&D Rules Cyclopedia campaign set in The Dusklands (shown at right; this area later became part of the World of Aerchus). These are the elfish clans dwelling in Ru’a Teledaîn (Land of Dreams), a woodland realm of in the vein of Lothlórien or perhaps even Myth Drannor.

The elfish way is generally for each clan to practice (and excel in) a certain craft, a field of study, or social role. The “seat” of the Elfish realm is Gloronel, known also as the Fey Court. The list below shows each clan’s surname, racial sub-type, symbol, and niche. I’ve pared off some of the campaign-specific stuff so you can adapt these to your own settings as you see fit.

The Elfish Clans of Ru’a Teledaîn

The Dusklands

Wild elf; Nissus sprig
Healers who implement both magical and mundane remedies

Noble elf; Rising sun behind spearhead
Explorers and adventurers; many dwell along the Fey Court’s eastern border nearest to the Malkir Horse Plains

Noble elf; Oak leaf
Dedicated to the god Celethor; this clan was destroyed in the Brood War, though some members survive as itinerant priests

Noble elf; Wheel
Porters and vehicle-wrights; offer messenger and courier services

Wild elf; 2 Crossed spears
Warriors; wards of Ru’a Teledaîn’s western range, location of the Stone Folk’s Stele of Pacts

Noble elf; Open hand
Craftsmen and artisans; creators and purveyors of fine elfish wares

Noble elf; see below
Ruling clan of Gloronel and the whole of Ru’a Teledaîn

Noble elf; Writing quill
Reeves and administrators; most occupy civil positions within the Fey Court

Wild elf; Snare
Hunters and trappers; range throughout Ru’a Teledaîn and the Bedwyn Hills

Noble elf; Sapling
Knights; traditional defenders of Ru’a Teledaîn

Wild elf; Boar spear
Wardens and scouts; roving guardians throughout Ru’a Teledaîn

Aquatic elf; Wave crest
Sailors and river-keepers; clanhouse is in the Dusk Sea

Noble elf; Pentagram
Magi; secretive clan of few numbers specialised in demon-lore (inadvertently responsible for opening the Chaos Whorl, which led to the Brood War)

Wild elf; Bit and Bridle
Animal trainers; work mostly with elfish horses, fey hounds, and normal mounts

Wild elf; Steel helm
Warriors; defenders of Ru’a Teledaîn’s northern borders

Noble elf; Stone block
Stonemasons; wondrous architects and crafters of stonework taught by the Stone Folk

Wild elf; Erd sprig
Herbalists; nature priests with abundant botanical knowledge

Noble elf; Anvil
Metalsmiths; forgers of angatel (meteoric steel that requires magical infusion to craft into weapons and armour)

Noble elf; Lathe
Woodworkers; superior craftsmen

Wild elf; Long bow
Warriors; defenders of Ru’a Teledaîn’s south-eastern borders

Noble elf; Knowledge sigil
Loremasters and sages; collectively maintain knowledge of all subjects

Noble elf; Lightning bolt
Priests of Balidae; members maintain shrines throughout Ru’a Teledaîn

Wild elf; Grape bunch
Vintners; conduct trade with neighbouring merchant centres

Clan Glorinstave’s symbol is a circle of 12 silver stars spread a hemisphere over a full moon, below which is a pool of water in a green plain. Each of the silver stars represents one of the 12 noble elf clans, while the moon stands for Clan Glorinstave. The pool of water is for Clan Inf (aquatic elves) while the green plain is intended for all wild elves.

Out of respect for the ruling elfish clan, all other elf clan symbols incorporate, somewhere in their design, a single silver full moon. Wild elf clan symbols typically incorporate green tints. All clan symbols are worn as a brooch or cloak pin, though they can sometimes be found as shield devices, especially in the case of warrior clans.

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