The Chimera RPG®: Core Rules

  • Version 2
  • Downloads 2570
  • File Size 11.21 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date August 12, 2018
  • Last Updated September 27, 2022
  • Price (USD) [price]
The Chimera RPG®: Core RulesBuy Now on DriveThruRPG 

Rough thieves raiding the Serpent Cult. Elite commandos kidnapping an enemy officer. High-tech space marines fighting for their lives in a deadly bug hunt. Create and play these scenarios and more with the Chimera RPG® Core Rules, a lightweight framework that can translate your favourite books, movies, TV shows, historical periods, and comics into table-top games in record time.

Easy to learn and optimised for fast play, the Chimera Core contains everything you need to run games in any real or make-believe setting you can imagine. Create custom characters or archetypes using Chimera’s modular races, classes, abilities, perks, and flaws. Inject magic, miracles, psionics, or weird science with our universal powers model. Decide combats in minutes with a resolution system that accounts for wounds, weakness, and one-shot kills.

Chimera also contains unique guidelines for creating settings and adventures that takes you from creative impulse to gaming table in a matter of hours. Run the game you want with minimum preparation so you can make the most of your precious gaming time.

Downloadable files include:

  • 64-page rulebook (PDF, rich-text, and NBOS’ The Keep formats)
  • 12-page book of templates (PDF and PNG formats)

The Chimera RPG® Core Rules was first introduced as an extension of the “Chimera Basic Rules” in 2011. With the deprecation of the Beta Rules in 2018, this revised and updated edition of the Core rules is considered the canonical source for the entire Chimera RPG® product line. In the interest of supporting derivative material, the Core Rules are released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.